Helping you overcome the purpose paradox

As an exemplar of sustainable business, you’ve only succeeded when your competitors are as virtuous as you. Being good is not enough. So how do you win?

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If you’re attending Reset Connect, it’s a fair assumption that you are trying to make the world a better, more sustainable place. Perhaps you are leading the way in helping your business sector decarbonise, or you have built a thriving business model that exemplifies how a circular economy might work. We applaud your effort because being the vanguard of positive change is hard work. But being good is not enough.

The purpose paradox
Making business and industry more sustainable is a collective effort. One company or brand can’t do it by themselves. You are leading by example, demonstrating that a low-carbon solution can work in your sector – but you’ll have succeeded only when all your competitors operate as sustainably as you.

You will have helped reduce your sector’s negative impact on the environment – but you still need to have a positive impact on your market. In the intense competition for customers, investors, and staff, you still need to thrive. And, if all the players are now as sustainable as you, how do you command attention and inspire action so that people buy from, invest in and work for you instead of one of the others?

To stand out, you must know what you stand for
Successful brands are authentic to themselves, relevant and engaging for their audiences, and differentiated from their competitors. They need clarity around their core goals and beliefs, as well as alignment so that every facet of the organisation is moving in the same direction and founded on the same tenets. This shared knowledge enables a brand to deliver a memorable and consistent experience at all touchpoints.

So, don’t rest on the laurels of your sustainability achievements. If you’ve done a great job, your competitors will soon be able to claim the same. Lay some firm strategic foundations for your brand and set yourself up to succeed in the greener future you have worked so hard to help build.

This is where we can help. With nearly a century of collective experience, there probably isn’t a sector, branding challenge or communications channel we haven’t wrestled with. We can help you get your story straight, amplifying your brand so the world takes notice.

Don’t tell me you’re funny; make me laugh
We’re great believers in doing, not just saying. We work with organisations to help them bring their strategic brand thinking to life and embed it within their culture. Similarly, we’d like to share proof of what we have achieved for our clients with equally ambitious organisations looking to thrive.

Here are three stories that demonstrate what we are capable of. Click the one you’d like to hear and book a 15-minute insight presentation where we’ll share a warts-and-all look behind the curtain of a project we’re proud of. No hard sell, but we’re confident you’ll learn something useful.

• Taste the secret sauce that doubled a net-zero-focused challenger product’s market share.
• Peek behind the strategy that made an impact entrepreneur weep with relief.
• Follow the route map that led a law firm to overthrow conventional thinking and thrive.

Get in touch

Are you ready to build a Deliberately Different technology brand?

Fill out this short form and we’ll be in touch as soon as we can. Old-fashioned phone calls are also very welcome. Call us on 01483 331 250.